Effective Way to Remove Dust from All Areas of Your Home

Effective Way to Remove Dust from All Areas of Your Home
Household dust is like a supervillain—you fight with it all day to remove its existence from your home, only for it to come back the next day, sometimes even worse than before. Not only is dust a nuisance, but it can also create a lot of problems, like triggering allergies. If you’re like the average home who collects over 40 pounds of dust in a year, (you read that right!) read on to learn the best dusting methods and most effective ways to remove the dust bunnies from all areas of your home.

The Best Dusting Method

The best dusting method begins with the right tools. A feather duster unfortunately just flings and swirls dust around, without actually picking anything up. Instead, grab a high-quality, microfiber cloth. Your microfiber cloth is reusable and inexpensive and one of the best cleaning tools you can purchase for your home. When you begin dusting, you should always start with the highest items and work your way down. Another smart idea is to work in a spiral, clockwise motion, beginning with your ceilings four corners and working down from there. Lastly, you’ll want to finish with a quick sweep of your vacuum to ensure all the dust is picked up. At Berk, we take pride in stocking one of the best dusters in the wiping industry. Our Yellow Dusting Cloth is a non-woven, 100% rayon dust cloth treated with 8% refined mineral oil. We love it for its ease of use and how it expertly dusts counters, floors, and other hard surfaces without the need for an aerosol spray.

Ceiling Fans and Light Fixtures

Your ceiling fans and light fixtures can hold a lot of dust. To make the air in your home cleaner and safer to breathe, slide a pillowcase over the blades of your ceiling fan, press gently, and slide the pillowcase towards you. The pillowcase will catch any excess dust and you’ll be left with a clean fan. To dust your light fixtures, use a long-handled, bendable duster with a microfiber cover. Repeat this weekly to eliminate dust from returning.

Corners, Moldings, and Door Frames

Next up is tackling your corners, moldings, and door frames. These areas are often ignored but are filled with cobwebs and dust bunnies. Try using the extendable hose on your vacuum to remove the visible fluffs of dust and debris. To ensure you dusted every last inch, put an old sock or microfiber cloth over the end of a mop and use this to dust any missed areas.


Dusty walls can be a thing of the past when you use an extendable wool or microfiber duster. Run this up and down over your walls every couple of months to keep them looking clean and fresh. If your walls are really dusty, you can wipe them down with a damp rag mixed with a mild cleaning solution (depending on your paint type).


Dusting your baseboards is like dusting your corners, moldings, and door frames. Grab a microfiber cloth, vacuum, or mop handle with a sock attached and wipe down your baseboards. An extendable duster or mop handle makes this job even easier and saves you from bending over.

Air Vents and Ducts

Your air vents and ducts can harbor a lot of dust, dander, pollen, and more. The best way to clean the heavy dust from your air vents is to use your vacuum with a brush attachment to loosen up and remove all the dust and debris. Your ducts should be professionally cleaned at least once a year, and you should be continually replacing your air filters with the change of the seasons. There you have it—the most effective and best ways to clean heavy dust from any area of your home. At Berk International, we want to make sure you have the right tools and techniques to make your home clean, comfortable, and as dust-free as it can be! Contact us today to learn about the best duster for your home.

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