Promoting a Clean Gym Environment with FitnessWipes

Promoting a Clean Gym Environment with FitnessWipes

Bacteria thrive in moist environments — like the handles, moving parts, and seats of gym equipment. Using wipes for gym equipment can help remove the organic material that could grow there, supporting fitness facilities in their efforts to stay clean, welcoming, and above all, safe places to work out. 

Welcome to our next article for distributors of wipes, where we’re taking a look at FitnessWipes. These specialized gym equipment wipes are ideal for helping gym owners create a clean, reassuring environment for their clients who may be coming back to their fitness routines for the first time in a long while. The fitness industry was hit hard by the pandemic. Virtual workouts might still be in fashion, but they can’t permanently replace in-person interactions and working with professional equipment. As a bulk wipes distributor, discussing the benefits of disposable gym wipes could net you more sales and boost your reputation — especially if you help your local gyms flourish and find new customers.

The Importance of Promoting a Clean Gym Environment

Did you know that sanitation and hygiene are some of the top concerns of gym-goers? A survey of over 1,000 fitness fans from trusted online resource Treadmill Reviews found that 51% were concerned about equipment not being wiped down between uses, and more than 14% would switch gyms if they felt hygiene issues were not dealt with. These concerns aren’t unfounded, either. In 2017, four people in Florida contracted Legionnaires’ disease, a severe form of bacterial pneumonia, from contaminated gym equipment. The bacteria grows in water pipes and faucets but can spread all over a facility where owners or their janitorial/sanitary staff don’t follow good hygiene practices. 

Other diseases that can possibly be caused by microorganisms found in gyms include:

  • Herpes
  • Staphylococcus infections
  • Ringworm
  • Warts and verrucas
  • Athlete’s foot

A simple way to minimize the spread of harmful bacteria or fungal infections is to wipe down equipment between uses. Disposable gym wipes empower gym staff to quickly wipe away sweat and other organic matter that create a favorable environment for bacteria or other microbes to grow and become problematic. Gym members who come into the gym and see staff wiping down equipment and shared areas such as tables or chairs will feel reassured about the safety and hygiene practices in the establishment.

Primary Applications of FitnessWipes

FitnessWipes are Berk International’s answer to helping deal with hygiene issues in gyms. They are designed for use on any surface, cleaning away grime and sweat and gently deodorizing the equipment. A fresh smell and clean feel inspire confidence in users of gym equipment who want to focus on their workout — not on those who might have used the equipment before!

Use these fitness equipment wipes to gently clean the vinyl seat pads of exercise bikes or other machines, hand grips, workout benches, seats and tables, chrome plating, steel surfaces, rubber surfaces, and even yoga mats. They’re ideal for all kinds of fitness facilities, including dedicated gyms, hotels, spas, and even physical therapy centers. 

Benefits of FitnessWipes

Wipes for gym equipment carry many benefits beyond simply promoting a cleaner facility. Using disposable gym wipes rather than washable cloths reduces the risk of germs spreading. The quat-based cleaning formula is mild and non-staining, making it ideal for all kinds of surfaces. This versatility means your clients can use FitnessWipes on various pieces of equipment or even in common areas such as a gym café. This is a great selling point, as gym owners may worry about the cost of having to invest in multiple types of wipes for different areas of the facility. FitnessWipes are designed to be multi-purpose so that they may save your clients money.

FitnessWipes have a simple center-pull system, replacing spray bottles and exposed rolls of tissue that can actually gather germs rather than prevent them.

Providing clean and deodorized equipment to gym-goers improves their experience vastly and should naturally increase word-of-mouth marketing and great reviews online. Health and safety will remain top concerns for gym users for many years, so investing in better hygiene now could help ensure the future of any gym business.

FitnessWipes are made from completely biodegradable cellulose. This means not only are they disposable, but they are compostable. If your client runs a gym focusing on sustainability, this could be a great selling point and help them showcase their business values to their clients. Offer clients the bucket system for moving their gym equipment wipes around the facility or the wall-mounted dispenser for permanently placing gym wipes near a particular piece of equipment or high-traffic area.

If your clients are concerned about the cost of investing in FitnessWipes for their gym, you can remind them that promoting cleanliness can boost the reputation of their facility and impress members, potentially increasing their bottom line. This makes FitnessWipes a more economical solution. Talking to customers openly about managing hygiene concerns in their gyms could open up opportunities that will benefit both you as a distributor and your clients.

Take a look at Berk’s product catalog for all the available options, or use our handy cross-reference guide to determine which of our products compare to our competitors. Contact us here at Berk International for more information about fitness equipment wipes, plus our tools and support for distributors.  

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